Batch / Electronic Submission

  1. User registration
    1. Click link "Customer Login", register with your email address
    2. Activate your account
  2. Batch the bills
  3. Login to upload batch file
  4. Receive batch submission confirmation

  5. User Registration

    1. Click link "Customer Login", register with your email address

    2. Activate your Account

    You will receive an email in the email address you provided at registration. Click the link in your email to activate your account.

    Batch the bills / Create new batch

    1. Double click "Batches"
    2. Right mouse click on the title bar > New (shortcut: Ctrl-N)
    3. Select batch type > OK
    4. Save
    5. Click button "Electronic Filing"

    DrsMagic performs stringent error checking for the batch to avoid claim rejection, it prints an error log if any errors found, otherwise it outputs the electronic batch (XML or EDI batch), so you are ready for uploading.


    1. If you created a CMS1500 batch, all new CMS1500 bills will be collected to the batch. (Same with other batch types).
    2. Print forms button will print all forms in the batch.

    Login to upload batch file

    1. BayViewSoft Home Page > Customer Login > Login
    2. Browse to select the batch file to upload
    Upon uploading, you'll get a confirmation messge.

    Receive batch submission confirmation

    You'll receive email confirmation about the batch submission or any errors need your attention.