Create First WCB Report

  1. Create new patient
  2. Add / pick employer
  3. Enter insurance information
  4. Create new WCB case
  5. Add new treatments
  6. Create new WCB report
  1. What if: More than 6 services in the same report
  2. What if: I don't want previous services included in the new report / bill
  3. What if: I have the same service repeated on different dates
  4. What if: I have multiple services on the same date

Create new patient

  1. Click on button "Patients"
  2. Right mouse click on the patients title bar, select "New" (shortcut: "Ctrl-N" )
  3. ... (typing new patient information) ... Note: fields with red prompt are required.

Add / pick employer

  1. Left mouse click on the "+" sign of Employer, "Browse"
  2. Click the button "New" at the bottom bar.
  3. ... (type new employer's information) ... > "Save and Close"
  4. Highlight the employer ... click the button "Pick" at the bottom bar.
  5. Click button "Save" at the right action buttons

Enter insurance information / Add new guarantor

  1. On the "Patient" page, click tab "Guarantors"
  2. Left mouse click on the "+" sign ... "New"
  3. Left mouse click on the "+" sign of Payer, "Browse"
  4. New or pick a payer (insurance carrier)
  5. ... (highlight the payer) ... click the button "Pick" at the bottom bar.
  6. Click button "Save and Close" at the right action buttons

Create new WCB case

  1. On the "Patient" page, click tab "Cases"
  2. Left mouse click on the "+" sign ... "New" > select Case Type: "WCB Cases"
  3. ... (adding new case information) ...
  4. Left mouse click in the middle of "Diagnosis 1" box ... (type in diagnosis code ... it starts to search while typing)
  5. Highlight and left mouse click (or "Enter" key) to select the diagnosis
  6. Click button "Save" (Note: don't close, since we'll add treatments and create report next ...)

Add new treatments

  1. Click tab "Treatments"
  2. Left mouse click on the "+" sign ... "New"
  3. Left mouse click on the "+" sign of Service, "Browse"
  4. ... (highlight the service) ... click the button "Pick"
  5. Click button "Save and Close"
  6. Note: You can add more treatments with different "Date of Service" in the same report

Create new WCB report

  1. Click tab "WCB Reports" at "WCB Case"
  2. Left mouse click on the "+" sign ... "New"
  3. Select a report type ... Click "OK" button
  4. Click the "+" sign at the line of "E. Doctor's Opinion" ... "Browse"
  5. Click the "New" button at the bottom bar
  6. ... (type information) ... click button "Save and Close"
  7. ... (highlight the DrsOpinion) ... Click button "Pick"
  8. Click "Save" button ... (now you are ready to print the PDF report) ...
  9. Click "C-4.2 Progress Report" button
Congratulation! You finished creating your first bill with DrsMagic.

What if: More than 6 services in the same report

It will automatically print C-4.1 (continuation to carrier/employer billing portion of forms C-4, C-4.2, C-4.3, C-5, PS-4 or OT/PT-4).
You can put multiple treatments on different "Date of Service" in the same report.
Note: Treatment is service provided on a specific date with some other information (such as Diagnosis Code, Days/Units ...)

What if: I don't want previous services included in the new report / bill

Please create a new case by click "Duplicate" button
(If you keep adding treatments on the existing case, all services under "Treatments" tab will be printed on the report / bill.)

What if: I have the same service repeated on different dates
What if: I have multiple services on the same date

You can duplicate by click "Duplicate with Multiple Services" or "Duplicate with Multiple Dates" button at "Treatment"